As the move to use the synagogue as the setting for more and more Jewish rituals gains momentum, the People of the Book tend to loose sight of the fact that the equivalent of a church in Judaism, the main source of religious observance, is not the sanctuary but rather the Jewish home. Many Jews try to move their religious observances into the synagogue while the desired outcome that most strengthens Jewish identity and commitment is the move of rituals from the synagogue into the home.
With this in mind, Yad B'Yad teens of the Flagler County Jewish community gathered in a home, the home of Robyn and Rabbi Merrill Shapiro to celebrate Chanukah with traditional foods, games and rituals.
The students enjoyed a meal of potato latkes with applesauce and sour cream and some just old plain "down time" to sit and enjoy each other, to talk and strengthen their connections.
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