City of Palm Coast's John Harney Installs Sign Indicating
Temple Beth Shalom's Adopt A Road
The Palm Coast Adopt-A-Road program is a litter reduction campaign designed to remove liter and debris from city thoroughfares and improve the quality of the local and regional environments. The program has established a partnership between the City of Palm Coast and Temple Beth Shalom to keep a mile of Pine Lakes Parkway free of litter, attractive and environmentally sound. Temple Beth Shalom, representing the Jewish community of the area has welcomed the opportunity to contribute to community beautification and earn recognition for a job well done.
Beth Shalom has an important interest in saving taxpayer dollars, raising public awareness of the costs of littering, improving the environment, promoting civic responsibility and pride and providing assistance to the governmental agencies responsible for litter clean up. Every day, the City of Palm Coast strives to meet and exceed the needs and expectations of residents and business in our community while respecting and appreciating the environment. Keeping local roads free of garbage and debris is one of many ways a house of worship can contribute to the shared vision of creating a healthy community.
It is well understood that garbage and debris or roadside litter is unappealing to the eye for residents, motorists, guests, visitors and tourists as well as harmful to the environment, obscuring Palm Coast’s natural beauty. Roadside litter can be harmful to animals that consume it, plug or block water drainage systems and present safety concerns for both drivers and pedestrians.
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