Members of the local Jewish community who do not avail themselves of the opportunity to greet the rising sun of Creation, Wednesday morning, April 8th need not be concerned. They’ll have another chance to do it again on Wednesday, April 8th in 2037! Once every 28 years, the Sun returns to the position it occupied when it was created at the beginning of the fourth day of creation as described in the opening chapter of the book of Genesis:
And God made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night and the stars. And God placed them in the sky of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from darkness; and God saw that it was good. And it was evening and it was morning, a fourth day.
A two thousand-year-old tradition calls upon Jews to institute a special prayer acknowledging God's might and creation of the world. This ritual is known as The Blessing on the Sun, or, in Hebrew, Birkat HaChamah.
The local Jewish community organized under the auspices of Palm Coast’s Temple Beth Shalom under the leadership of Rabbi Merrill Shapiro will gather just north of the Flagler Pier at 6:45 a.m. on Tuesday, April 8th. For tradition also prescribes that one should rush to fulfill the commandment and complete the ritual as soon as possible, in this case as the sun rises on the fourth day of the week, on a Wednesday during spring’s Hebrew month of Nisan.
“The calculations are complex,” explains Rabbi Merrill Shapiro, “but accessible. Anyone wishing to go through them can and they are readily available. But the mystical meaning is equally important. The teachers of Kabballah, of Jewish mysticism, noted the significance of the 28-year cycle of the sun and its relation to the powers and abilities of human beings. It is as if a sun-human being connection is being created bring warmth, strength and power to the world.”
This sun-human connection is significant, others say, as we here on earth learn to harness the power of the sun to power our electric grid and the needs of a modern world. Floridians, of all of America’s citizens, have the greatest connection with the sun. And the cycle of the sun and the cycles of women make them especially tuned to the actions of the heavens.
All of these elements will be addressed at the brief service that welcomes the new sun cycle to begin April 8th. All are welcome to attend, just north of the Flagler Pier at 6:45 a.m. The day is significant for after greeting the sun, Jews the world over will prepare to celebrate the Passover that same evening, recognizing that the sun provides warmth and strength for all and that no person can enslave another!
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