Several dozen people gathered at Temple Beth Shalom on February 1st, Super Bowl Sunday, for what has now become an annual tradition. Super Bowl Sunday is the date set annually by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs for the World Wide Wrap, the effort to get as many people as possible to use Tefillin.
Beth Shalom’s 2009 participants studied the Torah texts about Tefillin, and were taken on a guided tour through the mentions of the phylacteries in the Biblical Books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. The obligation of tefillin is mentioned four times in the Torah. Twice when recalling the The Exodus from Egypt:
"And it shall be for a sign for you upon your hand, and for a memorial between your eyes, that the law of the LORD may be in your mouth; for with a strong hand did the LORD bring you out of Egypt" — Exodus 13:9
"And it shall be for a sign upon your hand, and as totafot between your eyes; for with a mighty hand did the LORD bring us forth out of Egypt" — Exodus 13:16
— and twice in the shema passages:
"And you shall bind them as a sign upon your arm, and they shall be as totafot between your eyes" — Deuteronomy 6:8
"You shall put these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall tie them for a sign upon your arm, and they shall be as totafot between your eyes" — Deuteronomy 11:18
The word tefillin is obviously related to the Hebrew word "tefillah", meaning prayer and is its plural form. In the Torah tefillin are called totafot. This word is difficult to translate or understand.
The term "tefillin" is found in Talmudic literature, although the Biblical word totafot was still current, being used with the meaning of "frontlet". In rabbinic literature the expression is not found translated into a foreign word.
The Septuagint renders "totafot" as ἀσαλευτόν meaning "something immovable". A reference in the English translation New Testament calls tefillin "phylacteries", from the Greek "phulakt rion" meaning "guard's post" or "safeguard" from phulakt r, guard, from phulax, phulak. However, neither do Aquila and Symmachus use the word "phylacteries".
Targum Onkelos and the Peshitta translate the word "totafot" as tefillin. The Tur writes that the word "tefillin" is derived from the word "pelilah" meaning evidence, because tefillin act as a sign and proof that the Shechinah rests upon the Jewish people.
Excavation of Qumran in the Judean Desert in 1955 indicated widespread use of tefillin during the Second Temple period. The dig revealed the earliest remains of tefillin, both the leather containers and scrolls of parchment, dating from the 1st century. Some of the scrolls found deviate from the traditional passages prescribed by the sages. This led scholars to believe that some of the sets were used by a non-Pharisee sect. Temple Beth Shalom participants in the World Wide Wrap had an opportunity to view photographs of the tefillin found with the Dead Seas Scrolls in Qumran.
Tefillin resembled amulets in their earliest form, strips of parchment in a leather case. Tefillin and "ḳeme'ot" (amulets) are occasionally mentioned side by side in the Mishna (Shab. vi. 2; Miḳ. vi. 4; Kelim xxiii. 9; et al.), and were liable to be mistaken one for the other ('Er. x. 1 et al.) King Saul appearing in battle, with a crown on his head and wearing bracelets, is connected with this idea. Proverbs reflects popular conceptions, that they originated in great part with the people, or were addressed to them. Prov. i. 9, iii. 3, vi. 21, and vii. 3 (comp. Jeremiah xvii. 1, xxxi. 32-33) clearly indicate the custom of wearing some object, with or without inscription, around the neck or near the heart; the actual custom appears in the figure of speech. In view of these facts it may be assumed that the Biblical passages quoted (Ex. xiii. 9, 16, and Deut. vi. 8, xi. 18) must be interpreted not figuratively but literally (unlike the Karaite interpretation, mentioned later in this article). The Biblical commandment assumes that ṭoṭafot were at the time known and in use, but that thenceforth the words of the Torah were to serve as ṭoṭafot.
>Beth Shalom’s 2009 participants studied the Torah texts about Tefillin, and were taken on a guided tour through the mentions of the phylacteries in the Biblical Books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. The obligation of tefillin is mentioned four times in the Torah... In the Torah tefillin are called totafot.
There are no Torah texts or mentions of tefillin. This whole concept that 'Totafot' = tefillin was made up by the Pharisees and later elaborated upon by ancient rabbis.
>The word tefillin is obviously related to the Hebrew word "tefillah", meaning prayer and is its plural form.
Correction: the plural of "tefillah" is "tefillot". Tefillin is an Aramaic word.
>This word [totafot] is difficult to translate or understand.
Granted, it *seems* difficult to translate or understand, but the reason is because most do not know where to find the proper meaning. The correct understanding is found by comparing the 4 Torah passages quoted above. So we realize that Shemot 13:9 substitutes "memorial" ("Zikaron") for the word "totafot" that all other 3 passages contain, ergo "totafot" = memorial. Mystery solved.
>Excavation of Qumran in the Judean Desert in 1955 indicated widespread use of tefillin during the Second Temple period.
This is pro-tefillin spin totally lacking even a shred of evidence, let alone mention proof. Less than 10 or 20 units in all were found, and only feverish wishful thinking could result in such a pro-tefillin statement.
>Prov. i. 9, iii. 3, vi. 21, and vii. 3 (comp. Jeremiah xvii. 1, xxxi. 32-33) clearly indicate the custom of wearing some object, with or without inscription, around the neck or near the heart; the actual custom appears in the figure of speech.
In view of these facts it may be assumed that the Biblical passages quoted (Ex. xiii. 9, 16, and Deut. vi. 8, xi. 18) must be interpreted not figuratively but literally (unlike the Karaite interpretation, mentioned later in this article).
This conclusion is at best the author's supposition and wishful thinking.
I for one can read the Tanakh in the original Hebrew. So I assure you the text speaks of placing or binding some object *on one's heart proper* rather than near one's heart.
So if one wishes to interpret such verses literally, they must maintain the actual custom was just that -- a bizzare way to commit suicide. This is clearly ludicrous. Ergo, any reasonable and sane person must conclude there was no such custom and those verses are merely figures of speech.
Therefore, not only is there no necessity to assume the Toraic pasages quoted above must be interpreted literally, but it's imperative to accept the Qaraite understanding.
I find it rather amusing that Rabbinical Jews and their gentile apologists in ideology insist on a literal exegesis for those "tefillin" verses, yet they do so very partially, defaulting on the part "you shall put these words of mine on your heart...". So if people are to assume those "tefillin" passages should be interpreted literally, and you insist Prov. i. 9, iii. 3, vi. 21, and vii. 3 clearly indicate the custom of wearing some object near the heart, why has Rabbinic Judaism failed to apply a literal understanding of this "commandment"?
And let's not even get into the Rabbinic excuses why tefillin aren't worn on Shabbat and holidays and after morning prayers.
Need I say more?
The Qaraite Jews are totally correct about tefillin.
a Jew
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