Thursday, September 20, 2007

Flagler County Jews, Through Temple Beth Shalom Lead in Doliner Food Bank Donations

Once again, Temple Beth Shalom and the Jewish community of Flagler County have taken a leadership role in maintaining the Jerry Doliner Foodbank of the Social Service Council of the Jewish Federation of Volusia & Flagler counties The Food Bank hours are 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, Monday thru Friday. A United Way or other social service agency referral slip is required to receive food. This program is available to people regardless of race, religion or nationality. This Jewish Federation's food pantry feeds people regardless of race or religion. Many people rely on the Doliner Food Bank to help the have adequate food.

Temple Beth Shalom in Palm Coast and the Jewish community of Flagler County are perennial leaders in supplying the food bank. That supply has been augmented by Operation Isaiah and the call to Jews in the community to take the non-perishable parts of the food they would normally have eaten on Yom Kippur, the fast of the Day of Atonement, and bring it to Beth Shalom for distribution through the Doliner Food Bank. Frank Alexander regularly drives large loads from Beth Shalom on Wellington Drive to the Food Bank in Volusia County.

The Haftarah, the prophetic reading on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, contains an admonition from Isaiah from the 57th Chapter of the Book of Isaiah, noting that while Jews are called upon to atone, many continue with a day of business as usual. Isaiah indicates that God on High asks the people, " Is this the fast I have chosen? Is this affliction of the soul?" Isaiah continues to offer the words of the Almighty, "This is my chosen fast: to loosen all the bonds that bind men unfairly, to let the oppressed go free, to break every yoke. Share your bread with the hungry, take the homeless into your home. Clothe the naked when you see him and do not turn away from people in need."

Clearly, the voice of Isaiah has been heard!

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